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Jun 3rd 2023
#NirmanAgri, a Agri-Input Company engaged in production, processing and marketing of high-quality hybrid seeds, pesticides, Bio-organic for different crops like corn, sunflower, cotton, paddy, grain sorghum, etc. It also produces non-hybrid seeds, primarily for paddy. ImageImageImage
#IndustryExperience, Initiating in 2019 with processing of field crops & vegetable seeds, it started the sale of Hybrid Seeds and Biopesticides and established a notable brand name till 2023. In the same year the company got listed on National Stock Exchange.
#Leadership, The company’s Managing Director & CEO Mr. Pranav Kailas Bagal, appointed in November 2022 holds a Diploma in Agriculture from National Backward Krushi Vidhyapeeth, Maharashtra. He has around six years of experience in the field of Marketing Agriculture inputs.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
#PartyCruisers, Event experts for weddings, corporate events, theme parties, and floral sales. Divisions: Vivaah, Vows Vachan, Event Factory, Live Space. Serving elite clients, celebrities, and corporates with offices in India and abroad ImageImageImage
#IndustryExperience,They have more than 28 years of experience in providing unique designs and décor for various events. They have serviced 4,000+ number of events and weddings. They are renowned brand name amongst the celebrities and corporates.
#Leadership, Party Cruisers is run by Zuzer Lucknowala who is the CEO of the company. The company has been running successfully for over 3 decades and went public on 5th March, 2021 under his leadership with Seher Nazmee Ahmed as the Chief Business Officer
Read 16 tweets

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