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Aug 17th 2020
#OncoAlert Useful report in #JCOPO @ASCO_pubs on CNS outcomes in patients with #METex14 NSCLC. 83 patients with baseline CNS imaging; incidence of CNS metastases was 17% and an additional 19% developed CNS metastases later (lifetime risk 36%). #LCSM…
#OncoAlert In the 30 patients who developed CNS metastases, 83% parenchymal and 17% leptomeningeal. Probability of developing CNS metastases at 3y was 38%. Keep this in mind during surveillance! OS between those who did vs didn't have CNS mets at baseline was 26.7m vs 27.2m #LCSM Image
#OncoAlert Within this 83 patient METex14 cohort, 54 received crizotinib (RR 31%, TTD 7.8m, OS 13.7m). 22% had CNS progression (10% had intracranial ONLY progression) with a time to CNS progression of 5.8m. I think there's value in periodic brain MRI for most driver+ NSCLC. #LCSM Image
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Nov 16th 2019
#DCLUNG19 Daunting task of all non-EGFR/ALK drivers in #NSCLC handled easily by @alexdrilon - in #ROS1, note that not all ALK inhibitors are ROS1 inhibitors. Variation in CNS activity. Many active drugs to consider. #LCSM #LCAM ImageImageImage
#DCLUNG19 Highly active, CNS penetrant and well tolerated TKIs for #RET and #NTRK fusion positive cancers, outlined by expert @alexdrilon ImageImageImageImage
#DCLUNG19 Dabrafenib and trametinib active in #BRAF but be sure it’s V600E! Three drugs with breakthrough designation for #METex14. HER2 is a target but not copy number for #NSCLC, its mutations (usually ex20). #LCSM #LCAM ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 25th 2019
#OncoAlert Important work by @RymaBenayed @MLadanyi in @CCR_AACR online now reviewing why RNA testing is critical for patients with #NSCLC in the important search for actionable driver alterations to guide proper therapy #LCSM…
@RymaBenayed @MLadanyi @CCR_AACR #OncoAlert The authors analyzed 254 patients with lung adenocarcinoma who were driver negative by MSK-IMPACT (DNA based NGS) and had enough tissue for RNA sequencing with ARCHER. 232 successfully sequenced and they identified 36 driver events or 15.5% of these patients! #LCSM
@RymaBenayed @MLadanyi @CCR_AACR The most common were #ROS1 (28%), #NRG1 (14%), #ALK (11%), #RET (8%) and #NTRK (8%). Patients able to receive targeted therapy had the expected good outcomes. @ros1cancer @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer Image
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