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Nov 26th 2020
1-A thread on $EFR $UUUU and #REE

The company is focusing on converting monazite to an oxidate concentrate that can be put through the separation process. This could lead to the company having a monopoly in the critical step of creating magnets.

Let me explain.
2-#Monazite is a mineral highly rich in #REE, with a particular high concentration of those required to create magnets used in EVs, for example. This picture from Medallion Resources 2017 presentation gives you an idea of the #REEs that can be found.
3-However #monazite contains thorium (2%-14%) and uranium (0.05%-0.3%) that must be removed before it can be sent to the separation plant. Enter $EFR $UUUU. In the US there is no facility licensed to do this except for White Mesa, not even $MP.
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