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Most recents (2)

May 8th 2020
Reeves just started his daily press conference by practically begging listeners to take COVID10 seriously. #covid19 #covid19ms #covidms
Scratch that, literally just begged.
Safer at home order will be extended by 2 weeks. No indoor gatherings of more than 10. No outdoor gatherings of more than 20. Stay home as often as possible.
Read 25 tweets
May 3rd 2020
Japanese #Murderhornets decimate a bee hive of 30 000 bees in about four hours - leaving piles of heads behind as they return the thoraxes to feed their colony.


Makes you wonder though — how the heck are there any bees left in Japan then???

Read on...

First, here’s how #murderhornets operate: they send out scouts to find yummy honey bee hives.

When a scout finds a hive, he marks it with pheromones for the rest of his buddies to find. Then a whole swarm descends on the hive and it’s lights out for the bees.

Dire, but—

—that’s the story for the unwitting European honey bee (imported because they are more productive). #MurderHornets eat these suckers for lunch.

Turns out that native Japanese honey bees meet a very different fate vs the murder hornet.

Read 7 tweets

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