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Feb 24th 2022
1/n #NotMatureForCDS This thread is on “National Security for Dummies” (dummies- an object designed to resemble & serve as a substitute for the real or usual one.) Using Twitter Threads, YouTube Videos & Essays, I will make YOU understand National Security it in simple language.
2/n #NotMatureForCDS I have written extensively on why Military Minds are NOT made to think big since 1990. Unless I explain ‘why’ of it, you will take me as frustrated soul. Hence, I will put facts in front and YOU decide whether we are mature enough to let a person become a CDS
3/n #NotMatureForCDS What is required of a person as CDS? Vision. To back the vision, a correctly organised force AND officer cadre that is trained to understand the task set for it. For Vision, the CDS needs to be in absolute alignment with Executive and Bureaucracy and know
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