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Jan 1st 2019
#NewYearsDay is when I used to resolve to lose weight by eating healthier & going to the gym.

But I'd get overwhelmed with guilt when I skipped a workout or ate dessert & eventually get discouraged.

A few years ago, I started a new ritual & its made a HUGE difference.
(2) I use #NewYearsDay as a time to take inventory of my body.

I know- that sounds like it could get awfully problematic. But this is NOT a time to catalog every fault. This is about gratitude.

And changing that one tiny thing about your mindset can change how you see yourself
(3) Here's an example. I might start with my feet, which are looking pretty rough right now. I'd notice the mangled toenail that fell off after I injured it trail running this fall.

And while I was scrubbing off dead skin, trimming nails & moisturizing my feet, I'd say thanks.
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