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Jan 26th 2022
There’s a lot of misinformation about kids & COVID being pushed by a group of MDs calling for the #urgencyofnormal. Their claims seem to be based in science or make just a bit of sense. But they’ve got the facts wrong, plain and simple. Here's a quick #FactCheck 🧵
Fact #1. COVID is not like the flu for kids (or their parents!). COVID mortality since 2019 is 5x higher than the flu. COVID is linked to MIS-C and other lingering symptoms. Nearly 100K kids hospitalized from COVID.
Fact #2. Schools aren't “highly vaccinated” yet.

📈80% of children ages 5-11 are not fully vaccinated
📈45% of children ages 12-17 are not fully vaccinated
📈We see persistent disparities in COVID outcomes & vaccination rates in children

#NormalizeEquity #UrgencyofCaring
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