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Sep 10th 2020
No words to say how exhausted I am. 16 cases in schools, and students haven't even entered buildings! I can't believe @NYCSchools wants to reopen and continue to be pushing this crazy school reopening plan.ā€¦
MS88 was one of @NYCSchools with staff testing positive for #Covid_19. The staff weren't informed immediately, contact tracers didn't get to members who were exposed, and this morning they were told to return to the building. šŸ‘€šŸ˜”šŸ˜±ā€¦
I wrote most of this on my train ride to school this morning w/ @MOREcaucusUFT: "3 Days Into NYC School Reopening And It's Clear: Schools Are Not Safe" #NotUntilItsSafe #returntoschool2020 #wewontdieforDOEā€¦
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Sep 8th 2020
Spent the day mostly in my windowless classroom from last year (ventilation issues much?), throwing away student work from b4 schools closed March, packing away their stuff, & moving the rest to my new window-full classroom. I am exhausted. #returntoschool2020 #NotUntilItsSafe ImageImage
Didn't bring my books cuz I dunno if kids will touch/read physical books this school year in-person. Everything will live in the Google Classroom it seems. Don't know a safe and effective way to teach special education students from 6 ft away. #NotUntilItsSafe #returntoschool2020
My school needs 28 more staff members to make blended/remote @NYCSchools models work. TWENTY-EIGHT MORE IN TWO WEEKS. It's not logistically or money-wise possible to do their in-person model & would be fixed IMMEDIATELY if we went full remote. #NotUntilItsSafe #returntoschool2020
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