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Jun 30th 2020
Post any #opDeatheaters topics you want to research below, then follow everyone who responds to your hashtag and organize/research together.
There are specialized topics such as #opdeEdu, #opdeLegal. #opdeWikipedia and #opdeCamp.
There are also regional topics like #opdeColombia.
#opDeathEaters: Organize to get child rape propaganda and predators off social media on #opdeSocialMedia.

We urgently need #opdeWikipedia organized because it is difficult to get the propaganda off social media without removing their 'expertise' sources.
#opDeathEaters: Wikipedia is also a great resource for #opdeEdu: Find the academics writing child rape apologia through the Wikipedia articles.

Then cross reference those same propagandists to their influence on courtrooms in #opdeLegal.
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