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Jun 30th 2020
Post any #opDeatheaters topics you want to research below, then follow everyone who responds to your hashtag and organize/research together.
There are specialized topics such as #opdeEdu, #opdeLegal. #opdeWikipedia and #opdeCamp.
There are also regional topics like #opdeColombia.
#opDeathEaters: Organize to get child rape propaganda and predators off social media on #opdeSocialMedia.

We urgently need #opdeWikipedia organized because it is difficult to get the propaganda off social media without removing their 'expertise' sources.
#opDeathEaters: Wikipedia is also a great resource for #opdeEdu: Find the academics writing child rape apologia through the Wikipedia articles.

Then cross reference those same propagandists to their influence on courtrooms in #opdeLegal.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2019
@OpDeathEaters @MissSnoBunnie @YourAnonCentral @fred062811 @WCM_JustSocial @der_bluthund @DonVonCrump1 @StuartSyvret @fiondavision @soychicka @Agenthades1 @jkbjournalist @ciabaudo I came to the Op to expose an international child rape trafficking ring, fulfilling #OpDeathEaters goals 1-3:

1. Establish the credibility and scale of the story.

2. Challenge the propaganda and framing of the story.

3, Raise awareness beyond the initial small circle.
@OpDeathEaters @MissSnoBunnie @YourAnonCentral @fred062811 @WCM_JustSocial @der_bluthund @DonVonCrump1 @StuartSyvret @fiondavision @soychicka @Agenthades1 @jkbjournalist @ciabaudo None of us believe we'd be here today if not for #OpDeathEaters. I doubt any media would have followed up on #Epstein if not for this Op.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
#OpDeathEaters came here in 2015, asking you all to think differently about child "sex" crimes. It's not sex - it's torture & it scars people for life. It's not love, it's sadism. All these polite words don't do it justice. #Pedosadist not Pedo-PHILES.
#OpDeathEaters tl;dr If you are thinking Kill the Bad Guys is the solution, you have no idea. We need nothing less than a complete examination of who we are. Why is it okay to dress little girls up like women to sell products using their "sexuality"?
The "United States" does not have a presence at the UN SRCG on violence against children…

Nor has it signed the 1989 UN treaty for rights of the child… #OpDeathEaters
Read 11 tweets

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