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Jan 12th 2022
trying to reproduce a system issue that presents itself in a complex ETL when run at full scale on a given system is tough.
but it’s a task i can do sometimes, and want to be able to do more often.
it’s an important task bc attaching a debugger to production is risky. and extended events is of limited use when some system symptoms are known but query/worker/memory condition contributors aren’t.
the rules of the game: i almost never get to work with the production system itself. can supply some low-impact information gather/logging tools.
probably won’t be able to work with production data in nonprofit database, either.
Read 38 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
when do the stories people believe about a work of art, regardless of artist intent or history of the piece, become a part of the work of art?
i don’t know.
working with a database engine, i’m an absolute stickler for “design intent” as revealed by documentation and historical development.
i have a particular view of RDBMS cpu scheduling and memory management: unless documented otherwise (in detail with boundaries), if an user query workload with no external calls makes the system unresponsive due to cpu or memory saturation, it’s a bug.
Read 7 tweets

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