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Sep 10th 2019
Tonight on #MitoMonday we briefly highlight the life and works of an extraordinary scientist who helped discover not one but two organelles, the late great Dr. Christian de Duve. #LateNightWithTheRutterLab #OrganellesRCool
Dr de Duve was born in 1917 near London, to Belgian parents who sought refuge there during WWI. The family returned to Belgium after the war. Dr. de Duve entered the medical school of @UCLouvain_be in 1934. He joined the lab of J.P. Bouckaert where he studied insulin. 2/
Interesting Fact #1: Dr. de Duve was drafted by the Belgian army during WWII and was captured by the Germans. Dr. de Duve, used his knowledge of German and Flemish to outwit the enemy and escape back home where he immediately returned to research. #BadAss 3/
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