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Today, a thread debunking (unintentional) misinformation on the origins of covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Starting with the top 10 easily fact-checked ideas or statements that are not true, although a shocking number of scientists still think these are true.
(1) (FALSE) Before COVID, SARS research was done in a BSL4 lab at the WIV.

Actually, SARS research, even the (humanized) animal infection experiments were conducted at BSL2/3.

See @ScienceMagazine interview of the PI at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:…
(2) (FALSE) There is no precedent of SARS viruses escaping from a laboratory.

Actually, SARS virus escaped from labs at least 4 times in 3 countries within a year. One of the labs was a BSL4 lab. Investigators said that SARS virus could have escaped 4 times from a Beijing lab.
Read 13 tweets
Last month @WHO Tedros said he was ready to deploy missions to investigate whether Covid-19 came from a lab.

Chinese media published an unnamed expert: "WHO will have to be held accountable if worldwide effort at [virus] origin tracing enters a deadlock."…
This seems a bit like they're saying that if the WHO continues to be open to an investigation of possible lab origins of Covid-19, then the next phase of an investigation into the origins of the pandemic will be stalled.…
To be as clear as possible, @WHO did not say that Covid-19 definitely came from a lab.

It's that a lab/research-related #OriginofCovid19 is still one of the plausible hypotheses & must be properly investigated for the sake of humanity's future survival.…
Read 9 tweets

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