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Jul 9th 2020
1/ The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations includes these strong commitments on housing:

✅ “supercharge” investment in the national Housing Trust Fund to “greatly expand the number of affordable housing units on the market.”
✅ Provide Section 8 housing support for every eligible family.

✅ Enact a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights to protect families from abusive banks and landlords.

✅ Provide legal support to fight wrongful evictions
✅ End homelessness in America through a housing-first approach.

✅ make energy efficiency upgrades in public and other affordable housing

✅ “Vigorously” enforce the Fair Housing Act

✅ Ensure 100% of returning citizens have access to transitional hsg
Read 5 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
Everyone deserves to have a place to call home. But with Ben Carson in charge? Our marginalized communities will continue to struggle to keep a roof over their heads. We are in an affordable housing crisis and this administration is providing no solutions. #OurHomesOurVoices
Just one day after telling the House that he had no plans in regards to transgender protections, HUD issued a rule allowing shelters to deny people admission on religious grounds or force transgender women to share bathrooms and sleeping quarters with men. #WontBeErased
Carson's own team sought to TRIPLE the min. rent paid by families receiving housing assistance, making it easier for authorities to impose stricter work requirements on those receiving benefits. Who's most affected? Single mothers. It would put nearly 1 million children at risk.
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