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Jan 19th 2023
In Part 3 of the Zulock horror story, I'm exposing the Christian special-needs adoption agency that the same-sex activist couple used and how Georgia's child-welfare system failed these two boys during the expedited adoption process. We're naming names.…
Prior to the adoption, adoptive dad Zachary was accused of luring a 14yo boy to a house in Walton County, the same jurisdiction as today's horrifying case, and raping the child. But charges weren't filed and the 2011 case "was closed without a whole lot of investigation into it." ImageImage
Walton County Sheriff's Office told me there were different "investigatory standards" back then when the 2011 child rape case was quickly shut down and the officers who mishandled the investigation have since retired. Detectives are now seeking leads that may still yield charges. Image
Read 15 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
'#partnerincrime for life': Activist Gay Couple Accused of Sexually Abusing Adopted Boys to Make Child Porn…
Adoptive fathers William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock were arrested on suspicion of "producing homemade child sexual abuse material" with the "sibling pair residing in the home" aka their young adopted sons. ImageImage
The two Zulocks were booked after authorities executed a late-night search warrant at the gay married men's custom-built "mansion." Both were denied public defenders due to Zack's income of $7,500/week.

Zack was transferred out of county and has "Maximum" classification status. ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
May 22nd 2020
Penipuan Sewa Apartemen Jakarta dari dalam Penjara

-sebuah utas-

#penipuan #PenipuanApartemen #firmansyah #evimeilia #Sindikatpenipuanapartemen #DewiAndrianti #firmanraees #viral
Utas ini dibuat karena posisi sebagai korban penipuan sewa apartemen yang dilakukan oleh si pelaku berinisial F yang lebih gampangnya kita panggil aja dia firman. Kesel, sedih, marah jadi satu karena hampir satu tabungan kekuras buat tempat tinggal. Ini aja masih pinjem orang tua Image
Utas ini bakal berantakan banget karena pertama kali bikin. Semoga aja utas ini bisa menolong orang lain dan korban-korban lain yang belum melapor. Infonya dari media dan sumber lain bilang, korban diperkirakan berjumlah 15 orang namun baru ada 4 laporan
Read 92 tweets

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