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Jun 9th 2023
β€œ[We] will succeed when our children, the Joshua Generation, engage wholeheartedly in the battle to take the land.” β€” Micheal Ferris

β€”R.J. Rushdoony and Gary North, Christian Reconstruction, the DeVos #VoucherScam, and #PatrioticEducation β€”
β€œTo control the future … control of education and of the child. Hence, for Christians to tolerate statist education, or to allow their children to be trained thereby, means to renounce power in society, to renounce their children, and to deny Christ's Lordship over all of life.” Image
β€œThe moral training of the children, the discipline of good habits, is an inheritance from the parents to the children which surpasses all other. The family is the first and basic school of man.”
Read 19 tweets
Oct 13th 2020
Here's how DC public schools are propagandizing 4th grade children to hate Christopher Columbus. This was my granddaughter's homework. Excerpts:

"Christopher [Columbus] does not deserve his own holiday because most of all Columbus killed and enslaved many people."
2) What my 4th grader "learned" about Columbus:

"I got this information by what did Columbus do it says he killed three million people and it says he enslaved women and children. This tells me he does not deserve his own holiday because he killed and enslaved lots of people."
3) Fourth grader, at the "best" public school in the capital city of the United States:

"In conclusion Columbus does not deserve his own holiday because he was a liar, greedy and most of all he killed and enslaved lots of people."

This is what she was "taught" in school.
Read 11 tweets

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