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Feb 20th 2021
1] a #PeoplesThread

I give a summary of the critical points raised by Dr. Magaisa on how the @mdczimbabwe can push for "reforms", by being more inward looking, in terms of how the party can prepare itself for a fight against ZanuPF, as well as generally improving its operations.
2] a. Understanding its support base

Dr. Magaisa classifies party support as follows:
i. Vietnam/Soweto Section- diehard
ii. Moderate
iii. Floaters

The critical thing is understanding these types of supporters and how they can be kept involved & interested in party activities.
3] b. Party Structures

The split with the Mwonzora faction can not be treated as a non-event.
The organizing depart has to run a gap filling exercise as well as, mobilizing, restructuring & energizing party structures.
The restructuring exercise should also target rural areas.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
1] #PeoplesThread

Just went through some article allegedly written by MDC-T Sec for Presidential Affairs, Hon V. Tsvangirai

I do not know the young man enough to judge whether or not he himself authored the opinion piece.

Regardless, I found it too interesting to ignore.
2] Firstly,Dr Magaisa is accused of "siding with G40 elements since 2013", with the latter sponsoring Chamisa's "violent & unconstitutional take over of the party".

The other claim is that the "G40 helped Chamisa purge senior Party members" such as Douglas, Mudzuri and Komichi.
3] Its self serving to say Chamisa unconstitutionally and violently grabbed the MDC-T.

Such claims are illogical, coming from individuals who sided then with him, and not Dr Khupe.
Individuals who campaigned for the alleged violent constitutional delinquent to go to State House.
Read 13 tweets

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