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Aug 29th 2020
Personal Stories. #20.

"Socialism = Lines"


As we drive toward a restaurant in Brooklyn, he asks: “Have you ever stood in line to collect rations in India?”

“No.” I smile. “Never. I actually never stood in line anywhere until I moved to the US."


He continues: “When I was a kid in the 80s, I used to live in a one-room apartment in a chawl in Mumbai with my family. There were four of us: my sister, my parents, me. And then there were my mom’s students – she took tuition for kids – who took up space in the cramped


I imagine him as a little boy, squeezed into a corner, stealing whatever privacy he could.

“Once a week, my mom would wake me up and I would go stand in line at 8:00 am in the morning,” he continues. “She would join me at noon after finishing up her housework +
Read 8 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
Personal Stories. #10.
"Broad Brushstrokes"
I was once at an important meeting with my stakeholders (incidentally, the only Brown person in the room); all new faces, trying to situate ourselves in the conference room, making small talk, when I heard the organizer say+
"I see we have IT (vendor name) representation here."
I looked around, surprised. I didn't see any of the vendor resources in the room.
Anyway, as people started introducing themselves, going around the table, I suddenly realized with horror, that it was me! I was +
supposedly the IT representative. Jeez.

As soon as it was my turn to introduce, I looked up & said:
"My name is .... I am the business lead for ... & contrary to what some may think I am not from XYZ vendor company. I am NOT IT."

The man went red.

Read 3 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
My husband and I have experienced a traumatizing event in the past 24 hours #covid #personalstory #threadstorytime
A few days ago, we made arrangements with my husband’s sister to have their travelling mom live with us for a bit during the quarantine period immediately after her arrival. My mother in law “officially” lived with my sister in law. And the latter has an immunocompromised child.
My MIL left the country to go to France in mid January this year. She usually arranges this type of trip yearly to be with her retired sisters who live there. This year they planned to go to a pacific island with a group in early March.
Read 18 tweets

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