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Nov 5th 2019
#BREAKING Man killed at @PopeyesChicken store in Oxon Hill one day after the return of a popular chicken sandwich. The man was found stabbed several times in the parking lot on Livingston Road around 7pm @wusa9 #GetUpDC #PopeyesChickenSandwich #Popeyes Image
MORE INFORMATION: @PGPDNews is investigating. Story is developing. This is what we know so far: @wusa9 @PopeyesChicken #GetUpDC…
“Hard to put into words” | Police confirm that a deadly stabbing at a Maryland Popeyes is connected to the release of the #PopeyesChickenSandwich. There was an argument inside the store, it spilled out into the parking lot, a man was stabbed and later died in the hospital @wusa9
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