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Apr 3rd 2021
There’s much to love about @Amtrak’s proposed new service map. Over the past decade I worked in the #Appropriations Committee to secure millions of dollars to extend the Ethan Allen from Rutland to #BTV. The construction work making that expansion will be completed this year.
On the #Appropriations Committee I’ve always made #Amtrak a funding priority. We also secured Obama-era ARRA funds to make major investments in the #Vermonter route to increase its speeds. These prior federal investments make the #VT expansions Amtrak has laid out possible.
My 2016 #preclearance legislation set the table for extending the Vermonter to #MTL & I look forward to working with Pres. Biden, @Amtrak & Canadian officials to finally restore that service. Connecting #VT & Montreal by rail will offer an important boost to Vermont’s economy.
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Jun 24th 2020
Tomorrow will mark 7 years since the Supreme Court's #ShelbyCounty decision to gut the #Voting Rights Act and remove #preclearance. In a post-Shelby, pandemic-wrought America, states must approach voting with a "both-and" lens not an "either-or."
Voters need BOTH increased absentee voting opportunities AND ample in-person polling sites. No one should have to choose between life, death, & voting. 🗳️
The confusion during KY's primary exemplifies the need for a "both-and" approach:
"'...we all were kind of steeling ourselves for this election because we knew that the number of polling places had been reduced so severely."
-LDF Asst. Counsel @Jennyhooo…
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