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Aug 15th 2020
"India has been hit by #floods, the government will provide all kind of support to states and help them": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech from the ramparts of the iconic #RedFort.

(Image: @MIB_India)
#15August Image
@narendramodi @MIB_India "I also salute all #coronawarriors who have proven that duty comes first, no matter what. We are indebted to them forever": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech.

(Image: @MIB_India)
#15August Image
@narendramodi @MIB_India PM Modi on #CoronavirusVaccine | "Our scientists and experts are working hard to develop the vaccine. India is testing 3 vaccines and they are at different stages of testing".

(Image: IANS)
#15August Image
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