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Jul 10th 2020
Today we celebrate the Feast of #StBenedict. A reading from the #Prologue of the #Rule. Benedict wrote it as a guide for the communities that he grew to be responsible for when he became the focus for people who wanted to live a different kind of life...1/
in response to the decadence so prevalent in Rome that he was moved to abandon his studies, and live in a (very well chosen) cave for three years. The locals around Subiaco grew to admire him, and some wanted to join him;..2/
..his example and way of life has had that effect ever since on men and women who have chosen to follow his example, both within organised communities the world over and, more recently, among people living ordinary lives in very varied circumstances. @LCStBen @opencloister 3/
Read 5 tweets
Oct 5th 2019
I wanna share a piece of the story I writing recently.
my friends think it's okay, but am not so sure.
so...share your thoughts and help retweet if you like it and please point out the flows as well...
@kito_diaries @Casper_deee @quiver_don @TheInfamousEric @atambala Image


It was a cold, cloudy day in July. 
I stood by the window anticipating and watched as the rain poured heavily from the sky as if it meant to cleanse Lagos off the sins of her citizens.
Am the only one at home.
Mum had left for work early in the morning as usual while my step-father and my step-sister went out of town, visiting a relative for the day.... thereby a perfect time to have Manuel, my best friend [among other things] to come over.
Read 35 tweets

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