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Jul 11th 2020

1. The Jubilee Medal of St Benedict is a sacramental of the Church.

Favours obtained through its devout use must be ascribed to the merits of Christ,
#StBenedict #Catholic #Christian #sacramentals Image
2. the merits of St Benedict, the blessing of the Church, and the faith of the one using it.

These are the inscriptions of the Jubilee Medal of St Benedict:


“May his presence protect us in the hour of death.”
CSPB, Cross of the holy father Benedict.

“May the holy Cross be my light; let not the dragon be my guide.”

“Be gone, Satan! Suggest not vain things. The cup you offer me is evil. Drink your own poison
Read 3 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Happy Solemnity of #StBenedict. Many artists have been inspired by #StGregory's account of Benedict of Norcia's eventful life. Here are a few highlights from a lovely German series that pulls off the trick of telling a narrative in a single frame. Here is Farewell to the World 1/
Maurus Walks On Water 2/
The Goths were often up to no good... Here is The Discovered Ruse #SaintBenedict 3/
Read 12 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
Today we celebrate the Feast of #StBenedict. A reading from the #Prologue of the #Rule. Benedict wrote it as a guide for the communities that he grew to be responsible for when he became the focus for people who wanted to live a different kind of life...1/
in response to the decadence so prevalent in Rome that he was moved to abandon his studies, and live in a (very well chosen) cave for three years. The locals around Subiaco grew to admire him, and some wanted to join him;..2/
..his example and way of life has had that effect ever since on men and women who have chosen to follow his example, both within organised communities the world over and, more recently, among people living ordinary lives in very varied circumstances. @LCStBen @opencloister 3/
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