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Mar 23rd 2020
Hi everyone. I'm one of those restaurant workers, a former entrepreneur, and a student of foreign policy. I can't believe our system is so broken we can't protect our citizens from #COVIDー19 the way South Korea can, but I've been developing a solution for ~2 years. Thread, 1/x
Yes, our country is embroiled in political gridlock. Yes, our country is divided. But it has been since our country's founding. The sooner we disabuse ourselves of the notion that it's #SenateDemocrats' or #SenateRepublicans' fault, the better. 2/x
I don't say this as a facile "it's always been this way" response. The fact is that we are a network of 150-plus-year-old settlements that sought religious freedom and self-determination. We determined our borders initially by rivers and geographic coordinates, not culture. 3/x
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