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Jan 8th 2023
Bad news. Lithium Americas is working at Thacker Pass. We have observed them twice over the last three weeks with heavy equipment.

They are beginning to destroy the land. The legality of this is questionable. BUT, they are doing it anyway. And BLM is allowing them to do it.
We urgently need people on the ground. If you can't be here, please help spread the word, or donate.

On Thursday there was a court hearing in Reno and a march and rally outside the court. The judge's decision has NO bearing on the destruction happening now.
The hearing was about completely separate issues, legally speaking. Whatever decision the judge makes will have no bearing on the destruction taking place right now.

Marching and solidarity feels good; then there comes a time for action.

#ProtectPeeheeMuhuh #ProtectThackerPass
Read 6 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
The lawyers are arguing the nuances of regulations in federal law: is this use authorized under mining law? Nitty gritty interpretations of the law will determine how quickly this mine goes forward. Image
It is up to US to protect this land because the law will not help us. The law is only about which hoops the corporations must jump through in order to destroy the land. Image
No matter the outcome of the case being heard today in Reno, WE will need to stand in front of the machines these corporations send to the land to destroy it. WE will need to protect this land, because the law will not. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
On February 25, the State of Nevada issued three permits to Canadian mining co. Lithium Nevada, legally authorizing them to pollute air, water, & soil with toxic & dangerous substances including arsenic, antimony, uranium, sulfuric acid, and millions of tons of GHGs.
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These permits protect the corporation from legal liability for polluting and other destructive actions that are morally reprehensible and would be punishable by law if committed by an individual.
By definition, a permit gives permission for activities that would otherwise be illegal. Therefore, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), which issued these permits, is not protecting the environment, but rather legalizing its destruction.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
Over the past 14 months that Will Falk and I have been fighting the Thacker Pass lithium mine, one of the most common questions we're asked by journalists has been "So if you oppose electric cars, what is your solution?"
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At first, the question seems to be asking "how can we save the planet?" But that's not actually what most people are asking, as becomes clear when we answer that question.
Most people are actually asking "how can I still have a car, or the luxury that a car provides me, and not destroy the planet?"

And of course, the answer is, you can't.

What they're really saying is, "I like cars and I rely on them for my lifestyle, my work, and my enjoyment."
Read 13 tweets
Jun 11th 2021

🌎 Protect #PeeheeMmhuh / #ProtectThackerPass 🌎

πŸ“ž TODAY'S TARGETS: hit everyone you missed this week πŸ“ž

TUESDAY: 11am phone banking to Deb Harland, Secretary of the Interior. Stay tuned for more details!
______________ Image
--Nada Wolff Culver, Acting BLM Director--

--Jackie Rosen, U.S. Senator for Nevada--
--Greg Lovato, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) Environmental Protection Administrator--

--Jon Raby, BLM NevadΔ… State Director--
Read 5 tweets

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