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Oct 27th 2021
Let me introduce you to the Anaeramoebae. This was a fun collaboration with Petr Táborský, @EricSalomaki @eme_laura @kolecko007, Tomas Panek, @jon_hultqvist,Miluše Hradilová,Čestmír Vlček, @andrewjroger Ivan Cepicka. Out now in @CurrentBiology.…
Anaermoebae were discovered a couple years ago by Petr, Tomas and Ivan. These #protists were isolated from #anaerobic marine environments. At the time, it was difficult to place these cute critters on the tree of life. see: 10.1016/j.protis.2017.07.005
We sequenced the transcriptomes of two species of Anaeramoeba allowing us to perform phylogenomics. To our surprise, we found this anaerobic amoeba is actually a metmonad! Metamonads include pathogens like #Giardia and #Trichomonas that often have weird anaerobic mitochondria.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Day 4 of our #ParasitesOnline21 meeting will begin with a presentation by Dr Emma Briggs who was awarded the BSP President's Medal in 2020 🏅 @emmabriggs6
Prof Maria-Gloria Basanez introduces Dr Emma Briggs and congratulates her on the award
So to begin our "BES: Ecology and Evolution I" Session of Day 4 of #ParasitesOnline21 is Prof Neil Hall of the @EarlhamInst with "Sequencing #Protists directly from the environment for the Darwin Tree of Life Project."
Read 51 tweets

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