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Apr 19th 2022
Nadine Dorries has just told the commons chamber she wants to force social media companies to stop "pile ons". How will that work without hindering free speech?
My understanding is that a "pile on" is when I tweet something and Owen Jones say it is wicked and wrong and a hundred of his followers agree with him. I am totally unharmed by this, particularly as I regard it as part of my day job to make Twitter monkeys dance.
How will a "pile on" be defined? How many people acting in concert will constitute a "pile on". What if the people piling on are correct and what I have said is wicked and wrong? Will they be suspended and my wrongful wickedness be allowed to stand?
Read 5 tweets
Mar 24th 2022
SANCTIONED: Today the UK has imposed 65 new Russian sanctions, cutting off vital industries fuelling Putin’s war machine.

Those targeted include:
❌ Russian banks
❌ Oligarchs
❌ Defence companies
❌ Russian Railways


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❌ SANCTIONED: Eugene Shvidler, oligarch with close business links to Roman Abramovich.

❌ SANCTIONED: Oleg Tinkov, oligarch and founder of Tinkoff Bank.

Read 8 tweets

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