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Dec 4th 2020
@EthanIndigo @RachelH92067639 @WbWse @0NeIsL0VeIs @Kaidone2 @JustUSong1 @ArianaGrande @USArmy @USNavy @USMC @usairforce @NOAA @weatherchannel @WeatherNation @PBS @stem @Avengers @breakingbenj @threedaysgrace @FFDP @chevelle @evanescence @flyleafmusic @FE_Heroes_EN @TwitterMoments @HISTORY @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama @Twitter @NWS @Eminem @ChevelleInc @MelissaDawnCol1 #BookBombed
dang y'all, we just been ebook photobomb but geekier?
Here, i used to give to people who started following me when I first started Twitter, explains r purpose + more
I bet $5 this explains more than the ebook in 5pages.!Ah2LERRjDa…
@EthanIndigo @RachelH92067639 @WbWse @0NeIsL0VeIs @Kaidone2 @JustUSong1 @ArianaGrande @USArmy @USNavy @USMC @usairforce @NOAA @weatherchannel @WeatherNation @PBS @stem @Avengers @breakingbenj @threedaysgrace @FFDP @chevelle @evanescence @flyleafmusic @FE_Heroes_EN @TwitterMoments @HISTORY @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama @Twitter @NWS @Eminem @ChevelleInc @MelissaDawnCol1 😏
blocked me .wtf? do u remember
I swore Emit was me.... had mini epiphany 2day.
I know TimEmiTimEmiT...
But if u add Nothing..
#Quantum #GodParticle
@EthanIndigo @RachelH92067639 @WbWse @0NeIsL0VeIs @Kaidone2 @JustUSong1 @ArianaGrande @USArmy @USNavy @USMC @usairforce @NOAA @weatherchannel @WeatherNation @PBS @stem @Avengers @breakingbenj @threedaysgrace @FFDP @chevelle @evanescence @flyleafmusic @FE_Heroes_EN @TwitterMoments @HISTORY @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama @Twitter @NWS @Eminem @ChevelleInc @MelissaDawnCol1 😉
Nothing Emits Time or Time Emits itself, i.e. TimEmiTimEimT,
2 E= Everything of Everything = EVE
3 T= TriNeTY of Time
Trinity of Time = 7, 8, 9
7= Birth(MEnU begin)
8= Infinity(Until)
9= Now(This Moment)
MIx4 = MEYE x4 =
1= Thought
2= Emotion
3= Ego
4= Will
Read 9 tweets

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