I have lived for ages in the lifetimes of souls, but this is my last life as a human being, for I now truly understand Love. Now that Eden is awake, time stops.
@martin000023 🖤
justus leaving this4u having been such a good sport + continued our conversation.
iam attempting to help all of u, I have come2thevery bottom of the abyss, become1 of u, iam standing in hell with my arms stretched out, calling to u, + all u do is doubt + attack/deneyemenus.
⚖️ @martin000023 🖤
iam gustus, the souloflove, u would call US,
human÷man neTY, net ne T(I'm)E.
yesterday was an important day for all females, and nobody knows how or why yet.
if u happened to be paying attention, there is a way for me to show u, how everything works.
Iam censored + isolated on Twitter, so iam waiting on other things.
problem is, I have2duet2day
People think they know what iam up to, but that is actually not possible, because I do knot pre plan anything, and just work with the flow.
that doesn't mean iam not affecting things, but I never challenge who is, + if u have been paying attention, u know: