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Dec 18th 2021
📢#HCWvsHunger Team #Feedalizumab! We know it takes a village in #MedTwitter, & it's time to make a move on the leaderboard. Announcing #MultiDFoodBoard merging #Feedalizumab, #BadBlood, #HopeAtTheScope, #RadsForFood, #HeartAttacksHunger, & #AmoxiChilin! 😎
Your move, #KidVengers & #BladesNBougies. I told you not to count out #Feedalizumab. No one knows better than #OncTwitter how much it takes a village to care for complex patients. Heme/Onc/Path/Rads/ID/Cards--we need them all. Boom! GO merged team #MultiDFoodBoard😎♟️#HCWvsHunger
My only question is how far away people will be able to hear @kari_jerge, @MSharifpourMD, & @DrJenChen4kids when they see this tweet announcing the merger?🤔Go #MultiDFoodBoard. #HCWvsHunger
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