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May 5th 2019
Are Brahmins supposed to engage only in prayers preside over religious ceremonies & live on alms?

Time to acknowledge role of #Brahmins in building & preserving #Hindu society!

Dwellers of Saraswati banks, the Saraswat Brahmins are successors of Parshurama, the Brahmin warrior.
Parshurama led 21 campaigns against tyrant Karityavir Arjun of Haiya tribe whose capital was in Mahishmati (Maheshwar, M.P)
Parshurama conquered his lands & distributed them to Rishi Kashyap & his Brahmin warriors. These Mahipals(land owners) became Mohyals, the warrior Brahmins.
Dronacharya, a poor Brahmin came to Parshurama after he had given away all the land so Parshurama taught him art of war.
Dronacharya established an ashram across Shivalik ranges on banks of river Tons,where he taught Royal Princes.
The Dera of Drona, came to be called Dehradun.
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