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May 29th 2023
For those bemoaning the "unfair" @KenPaxtonTX #impeachment process, here's all the TX Constitution says about the House's role in impeaching statewide officials:

ART XV SEC 1: "The power of impeachment shall be vested in the House of Representatives."

That's it.

TX Constitution on the #impeachment trial in the Senate:

ART XV SEC: 3. "When the senate is sitting as a Court of Impeachment, the senators shall be on oath, or affirmation, impartially to try the party impeached . . . (cont'd)
and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the senators present."

There need to be 20 or 21 votes for conviction in the Senate to remove @KenPaxtonTX from office. # changes depending on whether his wife &State Sen. @AngelaPaxtonTX recuses herself.
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