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May 14th 2020
Kanye owns 100% of Yeezy. Adidas produces & distributes them. He gets royalties of 15% of the sales and it's closer to 10-11% after expenses.

Basically, Kanye makes 10c for every $1 in Yeezy sales.

AKA didn't even have a contract secured. He stood absolutely no chance.
Being a great artist doesn't mean you have the business element on lock.

Meg the Stallion received a $10k signing bonus and the label negotiated 60% of all royalties ++ exclusive rights to her music!!

If she decided to feature in a track, her label took a 30% commission.
If you're new money securing the bag (most of us) you have to keep your crew tight.

Advisors, hanger- ons & agents will fuck you. Forget about verbal contracts.

Look at Allen Iverson, Mike Tyson & Diego Maradona. Rockstars with terrible management.
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