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Before #ReformationDay next week, I'll be sharing 4 profiles of Reformation women! This year the focus will be why women were either not able to be involved in the Reformation or why their involvement was later forgotten in our retelling of these events.
The 4 women will be...
Olympia Morata died #OTD in 1555. She grew up a child prodigy specialising in the classics, and later became an accomplished Renaissance scholar. But her involvement in the Reformation inadvertently led to the destruction of her work and the ending of her life.(1/12) Image
Olympia grew up in the Italian court of the Duke of Ferrara. During her 20s, Olympia began studying the works of Calvin and Luther and after her father's death in 1546 Olympia returned to court aligning with the Reformers. (2/12)
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#ReformationDay is a fitting day to be reminded of the ecumenical, charitable, and unifying spirit that is meant to be at the heart of Reformed theology.

My ongoing series titled "Humbly Reformed" (named after "walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8) has been answering questions
such as, "What Does it Mean to be 'Reformed?'" and "What is 'Reformed Worship' Anyway?" to help Reformed Christians navigate back to the unifying heart of our theology. You can expect to read more articles in this series in the coming weeks.
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