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Oct 16th 2020
[[1/19]] BACK TO THE [[BASICS]]

This is a tweetstorm mostly for new users of Roam, but something I take to heart as an experienced Roam user (Experience in Roam? Not sure what that means, we are all Roam babies).

So new or old - Go BACK TO THE [[BASICS]]

#roamcut @roamresearch
[[2/19]] Roam is a very powerful tool. Roam is feature rich & has MANY MANY hidden gems. Because of a lack of documentation & onboarding many users barely scratch the surface of Roam's potential. This will improve. Team RR has this on their radar.
[[3/19]] Roam requires time, practice & experience to master. There is a tendency at the start for the perfect system, to understand it all in depth before we really engage in using it. But this is not the right approach. With Roam, JUST START & use it as much as possible.
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