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Mar 7th 2020
March-4: .@LukePollard proposed a very sensible motion in response to #UKFloods, calling for an independent review into:
-Govt response
-Flood prevention/defence funding
-Insurance issues
-Lessons learned

Who could possibly vote against that?

You'd be surprised...

Dear constituents of #Telford, esp. #Ironbridge,

Your MP #LucyAllan voted against Mr Pollard's motion.

Instead she backed the watered-down version of the motion, committing to nothing very much.

If you want more than warm words, write to her.
#HoldThemToAccount #UKFloods

Dear constituents of #WyreValley, esp. #Bewdley,

Your MP #MarkGarnier voted against Mr Pollard's motion.

Instead he backed the watered-down version of the motion, committing to nothing very much.

If you want more than warm words, write to him.
#HoldThemToAccount #UKFloods
Read 19 tweets

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