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Aug 19th 2018
#CroydonCrash #CoverUp @MayorofLondon @ValShawcross @Heidi_LDN: Kindly note 23May18 @TfL Board Minutes don't properly reflect what @MLiebreich actually said ICYMI "3 Times on 3 Separate Occasions IA 17780 had been sent to @raibgovuk @railandroad @BTP"
Regrettably, narrative City Hall & TfL PUSHING since I exposed #CoverUp January 2018… isn't supported by any FACTS.… @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM #CroydonCrash 7 People DIED, 62 Injured. #ShineALight NOW HT>@christianwolmar @V0LDN
In May18, I formally asked @LondonAssembly #AssemblyTransport to call City Hall & TfL Officials in for Formal Questioning… Why wasn't IA 17780 sent to #CroydonCrash Investigators, Regulators & Police when it'd been sitting in Top Managers' hands for months?
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Jul 29th 2018
@SadiqKhan @TfL #LondonBusWatch Reports from some Bus Depots: "A/C units being fixed" so THANK YOU for taking immediate action @MayorofLondon BUT as TfL Chair @Twitter reports from Bus Drivers & Volunteer Campaigners shouldn't be necessary #LeaveTheBunker @CarolineRussell
@SadiqKhan @TfL @MayorofLondon @Twitter @CarolineRussell As TfL Chair, you shouldn't have to be embarrassed by Bus Drivers calling you on @LBC @mrjamesob #SpeakToSadiq to complain about #BusSafety issue which should not exist b/c TfL's Claire Mann told @oliviat_93 "A/C required on all new buses since 2012"…
@SadiqKhan @TfL @MayorofLondon @Twitter @CarolineRussell @LBC @mrjamesob @oliviat_93 Think about it: if it wasn't for @Unite_Battersea tweeting pictures of the temperature in his bus cab on Social Media AND Bus Driver calling into #SpeakToSadiq AND Olivia's scoop in the Standard, would you—as TfL Chair—have even known about the A/C issue?
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Jun 2nd 2018
and report it to John Trayner MD @TheGoAheadGroup London cc'ing TfL's Bus Bosses, @willnorman @CarolineRussell (of @LondonAssembly) @StopKillingCycl & me. The only way to ensure TfL & CityHall don't just #CoverUp for TfL Contractors' #SafetyFail is to shine a light on it.
In my experience, it's clear that TfL => Trade Association set up to protect its Bus & Tram Contractors instead of regulating their Safety Performance. Read @CarolinePidgeon's & @KeithPrinceAM's MQTs sometime & you'll see how far City Hall & TfL go to protect them from #Scrutiny
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