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May 11th 2023

"Among #sequestration methods, CO2 #injection into oceans is of great primacy due to the oceans’ large sequestration ability. However, there are concerns about the changes in H2O pH as CO2 is injected into oceans."

On this point new study is conducted, details🧵⬇️ ImageImage
🌊 Researchers "experimentally measure the pH and solubility at #pressures up to 400 atm, #temperatures between 283 and 298 K, and different aqueous solutions in a high-pressure #autoclave reactor."
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🌊The results of this research "indicated that increasing pressure increases the #solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions, resulting in lower pH values. In contrast, increasing #salinity and #temperature lowers the solubility and, as a result, increases the system's pH."
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