"Among #sequestration methods, CO2 #injection into oceans is of great primacy due to the oceans’ large sequestration ability. However, there are concerns about the changes in H2O pH as CO2 is injected into oceans."
On this point new study is conducted, details🧵⬇️
🌊 Researchers "experimentally measure the pH and solubility at #pressures up to 400 atm, #temperatures between 283 and 298 K, and different aqueous solutions in a high-pressure #autoclave reactor."
🌊The results of this research "indicated that increasing pressure increases the #solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions, resulting in lower pH values. In contrast, increasing #salinity and #temperature lowers the solubility and, as a result, increases the system's pH."
🌊"Among all the tested aqueous solutions, the synthetic seawater mimicked that of a potential #injection point in the #SouthChina sea, exhibiting the highest salting-out effect and, therefore, the lowest solubility (i.e., the highest pH)."
"The experimental dataset of this study was fed to a machine learning algorithm, Group modeling data handling(GMDH), to develop an explainable solubility model. The model could predict the pH as a function of solubility, temp, pressure, & salinity with an accuracy of 0.87."
"The #pH values from the model were compared by the researchers of this study to those from previous studies, and a good agreement among the values was found."
Lastly, "a parameter importance analysis was conducted to shed further light on the model's performance. #Pressure and #temperature were found to be the most and the least influential factors, respectively."
"As the implantation of the technology is currently being considered in China, the current study can pave the way to better understand the interactions & mechanisms involved in conditions representative of ocean #sequestration before large-scale operations, study concluded."
Read the study entitled: "Probing Solubility and pH of CO2 in aqueous solutions: Implications for CO2 injection into oceans" here ⬇️ sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
"The potential climate impact of #SolarGeoengineering is examined in a recent study using climate model simulations by artificially reducing the incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere." #ClimateEngineering #SolarShading
Results discussed in a🧵 1/9
"Climate scenario simulations reveal that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 induces a surface temperature rise which is amplified over the poles primarily during the respective winter. The warming also causes intensification & poleward shift of the global precipitation pattern." 2/9
"In the model, a 2.1% globally uniform #SolarReduction can largely compensate the global mean warming caused by a doubling of CO2." 3/9
"Utilization of biochar as a cementitious material aids in CO2 sequestration by impeding the release of C in the atm. So, a recent study reviewed the prospect of #biochar as a #cementitious material by evaluating its physical, mechanical & durability properties."🧵
This research suggested that "the physical properties of #biochar promote its use as an environmental control device."
A summary of the preparation and characterization of biochar is presented in a Fig. ⬇️ 2/7
According to the study, #pozzolan is a siliceous & aluminous material
that chemically reacts with Ca(OH)2 at room temp to form compounds having #cementitious attributes. So, some of the silica-rich biochars, like the ones derived from #RiceHusk have pozzolanic properties." 3/7
A recent study "uses a lightweight integrated assessment #model SCORE to explore possible scenarios using #CarbonDioxideRemoval for limiting #GlobalWarming to 1.5 °C by 2100."
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"Particularly, this exploration quantify the impacts of relying on #CDR when accounting for:
1️⃣ possible under- and overestimation of the cost, potential, and availability (feasibility) of future CDR and
2️⃣ the compound effect with uncertainty in climate sensitivity."
"All scenario results show that aggressive near-term mitigation is required for limiting warming to 1.5 °C by 2100 for all levels of climate sensitivity, but that some amount of #CDR is likely required in the future even if climate sensitivity turns out to be extremely low."
"Permafrost contains vast stores of SOC. #StratosphericAerosolInjection may deter tipping points that lead to widespread permafrost thaw & C release by cooling surface & soil temp, but it is unclear if/when permafrost could stabilize after #SAI deployment."
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"Using the ARISE-SAI-1.5 simulations, we show that the rate of permafrost thaw begins to stabilize under #StratosphericAerosolInjection, but does not fully stop, likely due to deep permafrost thaw processes that are resistant to surface temperatures changes." 2/6
"#StratosphericAerosolInjection does prevent a potential tipping point (talik formation) in almost 2 million km2 of #permafrost, most of which is located in permafrost peatlands." 3/6
"International C markets are a very potent tool for mobilizing #CarbonDioxideRemoval in line with Paris Agreement ambitions to limit global warming to well below 2°C. Yet, C market regulators have not systematically approached removals." #NetZero #CDR
So, a review paper recently published "assesses the highly fragmented treatment of #removals under compliance and #VoluntaryCarbonMarkets, including baseline, credit and cap-and-trade systems." 2/7
"The Kyoto mechanisms and the large #VoluntaryCarbonMarket standards have long focussed on biological removals without inherent storage permanence and only recently started to develop methodologies for removals with #geological storage, #mineralization or #biochar." 3/7
"One of the planet’s most vital #CarbonSinks i.e. SOUTHERN OCEAN (SO) (absorbs ~40% of C) is revealing its secrets as tiny organisms in the SO play an outsized role in moderating Earth’s #climate."
Details from the recent research are discussed in a🧵⬇️ 1/8
"Based on 107 independent observations of the seasonal cycle from 63 #biogeochemical profiling floats, new study conducted by scientists from #NOAA & University of Hawai'i provide the basin-scale estimate of distinct biogenic #CarbonPool production at Southern Ocean." 2/8
Researchers find "significant meridional variability with enhanced #ParticulateOrganicCarbon production in the subantarctic & polar Antarctic sectors & enhanced #DissolvedOrganicCarbon production in the subtropical & sea-ice-dominated sectors." 3/8