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Sep 28th 2020
#SaveMEC is about more than saving a co-op. It’s about preventing another Canadian icon from suffering the same fate as Tim Horton’s: a slow grinding decline under ownership that doesn’t care. So, let’s look at the unimpressive and troubling potential new management of MEC.
Short version: @MEC to be run by three middle-aged white men: a mediocre-at-best American investor, an out-of-work grocery CEO and a COO who might never have managed a store and runs a guns-and-testosterone shoe brand. This should go well!
Long version: First, the buyer, Kingswood, a PE fund out of LA. Its website claims it was founded in 2013, but it only sort of was. Until 2019 Kingswood seems to have been just one guy: Alex Wolf. His first real fund was raised last year, and MEC will be that fund's first deal.
Read 28 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
FUCK!! Shame on you, @mec board, for betraying the core mission, and the cooperative members. #shame #MECbetrayed…
There are 2, linked, petitions against the privatization of our co-op:
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Second, linked, petition to #savemec by stopping the privatization:…
Read 4 tweets

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