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Mar 16th 2023
Sen. @DonnaCampbellTX, R-New Braunfels, now laying out #SB14, which would ban gender-affirming care for minors. Says it's all about "child protection."

"Sometimes we must work hard against something in order to fight for something," she says. #txlege
@DonnaCampbellTX Sen. Jose @Menendez4Texas, D-San Antonio, asks why Campbell, who is a physician herself, wants to get in between patients and doctors.

She says this is a situation where the system can't regulate itself + the gov't needs to step in.
@DonnaCampbellTX @Menendez4Texas Campbell says there is a "social contagion" when it comes to transgender children.

This is a frequent argument used by conservatives, but important to note there is no definitive research proving social media has influence over gender identity.
Read 83 tweets
Feb 19th 2020
1/Preparing to testify at the Ohio Statehouse about @BegunCenter’s #SAKI research that supports OH #SB162, a bill that would among other things, eliminate the statute of limitation for rape in Ohio. @MandelSchool Image
2/Unfortunately, in my nerdiness, I sat in the front, which is in camera shot. I must force myself to be on my best behavior. No tearing up paper. No “you lie!” Minimal eye rolls. No sleeping. Image
3/key points based our research in support: #1 serial sexual offending is far more common than previously thought and often spans decade. So: elimating SOL greater chance of catching and prosecuting to fullest eaten the possible. Offenders like Nathan Ford.
Read 7 tweets

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