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Jun 15th 2020
It is quite dispiriting how soon after #BLM protests started the resurgence of #Irishslave #scottishslave and #wewereallslaves memes and bullshit ‘articles’ started circulating. I seem to be spending a lot of my time posting rebuttals to ppl / pages that should know better.
Some basic facts for those who want to fight the good fight. Yes a large number of Irish and Scottish were forcibly sent to the Caribbean by Cromwell but that’s a tiny % of those who went in total. This included many Europeans (even the English) and was often voluntary.
The Irish and Scottish who went to the Caribbean went as (indentured) servants. This meant they signed up for a period of service - varying between 2-7 years generally - once it was over they could renew their service or move on. They were often granted small parcels of land.
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