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Sep 1st 2022
🧵 Reflections on #DWebCamp #DWebCamp2022

DWeb camp is an interesting thing. It's more like a festival than a conference. I don't know if the goal is for participants to build things or to connect and recharge, but I don't see why it can't be both.
For me, it was a great chance to simply be with other DWeb folks and know that we're not alone in trying to build digital 'tools for conviviality', as #IvanIllich says -- tools that help us be more human, rediscover our agency, support each other. This work often feels lonely.
It wasn't just about knowing that we have allies. It was about meeting those allies, being in the same space, chatting over breakfast, stargazing together, even attending a wedding between two participants! It was about coupling our heady #DWeb world with the realm of the heart.
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