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Apr 29th 2020
1/ The Complutensian Polyglot’s Prologue is filled with fascinating details about the canon. (cf tweet 3)

1 It affirms #Jerome’s Hebrew Veritas or Truth of the Hebrews.

2 It borrows Jerome’s trifarium: Pentateuch, Hagiographa, and Prophets; three divisions in Heb Bib. Image
3 It explains the triple languages that its pages contain: Hebrew, Chaldean (Aramaic), & #Greek each w/Latin translation

4 Only the #Pentateuch will contain Chaldean because of the corrupt state of it in the other books

5 The Chaldean was prepared by experts in this language
6 The description of the Greek is twofold: for the books in the Hebrew, the Greek Edition of the Seventy/#Septuagint is used, while for books “outside of the canon” (extra conone), they have only Greek writing—not the Seventy—beside them.

Thus LXX is quite specific here.
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