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Aug 31st 2022
'So then', as many of my articles would open in the days when even your great organ respected writers enough to pay them something, what exactly have I been saying for 3 years now? The dolt ain't going nowhere; the 10-year Presidential System is STILL on track; the PMLN is 2/
2/ being USED to stabilise the economy because the dolt presides over a party of prime idiots like price-gouger @Asad_Umar and that lump of lard #ShaukatTareen. So tighten seatbelts while the 9000 ton Gorilla pushes the country over the cliff just as soon as there are funds to 3/
3/ the Million strong military. Cc @nayadaurpk @Razarumi @murtazasolangi P.S. Mud in my mouth...
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