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Apr 20th 2023
I had faced a big loss on 13th April expiry, thanks to @ShoonyaApp fuck up.
I recovered the whole of it, and here is how you can try to fight your case:

#Finvasia #Shoonya #BrokerDown
> If you are ever facing technical problems with your broker, make sure to record your screen, take screenshots of the error, running positions

> Collect Financial ledger information, End of Day derivatives positions as per the Back office reports and also as per the app GUI
> Document everything, as elaborate as possible. Here is a link to my complaint document which I made against Shoonya :…

> Raise a ticket, start communication with your broker wrt the issue, Keep these in cc,
Read 6 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Finally Received an email from @ShoonyaApp that as per the discussion over call, the settlement amount would be 9.63 Lacs compared to the loss amount of 9.85 Lacs. Awaiting funds to reflect.
The amount of relief and peace after seeing this is unassailable🙏
Thanks to everyone for wishing and praying for me, helping me throughout this period🙏
Appreciation for
@WantedSyed @sujal_modi1 @khanzubare @LastBenSociety @pythontrader999 @AlgoOriginals @satire365 @priyanshu_107 @Padma1503 @Dheeraj24551776
@krishstocks @TradeStar619
Meanwhile, @jitendrajain made a sarcastic tweet yesterday that if you are making noise here, and are a big handle, you will get your money back. It’s absolute garbage.
The guy who settled things with me didn’t even know about BetTrader, neither had any idea about my tweet
Read 4 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
Films by #AnuragKashyap on digital platforms.

A thread..
#LastTrainToMahakali (1999) for #StarBestsellers

Feat. @kaykaymenon02 Nivedita Bhattacharya @urfvijaymaurya Loveleen Mishra and Shri Vallabh Vyas.

Read 83 tweets

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