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May 2nd 2023
We’re calling on the @bcndp to immediately regulate the #ShortTermRental industry in order to reduce its effects on the #housingcrisis & improve safety for renters & hosts.

Our call is a 2-pronged approach to improve:

1) Data gathering/sharing.
2) Bylaw enforcement.

1/ #bcpoli BC Greens Call for immediat...
Currently, BC has no system to accurately identify the number or type of housing units in the short-term rental market

Even in municipalities with existing bylaws and business license programs, hundreds if not thousands of units listed on these sites are unlicensed. 2/ #bcpoli 1.Introduce legislation tha...
According to Independent watchdog Inside Airbnb there are just under 6,000 listings in Vancouver alone with 82% of them being entire homes or apartments.

And almost 30% of them are unlicensed. 3/ #bcpoli #ShortTermRentals 3. Support compliance and e...
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