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Dec 21st 2021
1/4 Do you want to learn computational social science (for free) and start research projects with scholars from many different fields? The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science ( will run in *THIRTY-ONE* locations around the world in 2022!!!!
2/4 Though many 2022 #SICSS locations hope to run in-person, some will be virtual institutes at a variety of exciting institutions as well. For a full list of sites, see (where details about each institute will be posted in the very near future)
3/4 If you are unable to attend one of our 2022 locations, stay tuned for our all new digital curriculum, which will feature video tutorials from dozens of leading scholars in a searchable video database hosted on
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
A short thread introducing new work with @PinchOfData and @phinifa:

“Text Semantics Capture Political and Economic Narratives”

Human beings are storytellers.

It’s no wonder then that social scientists are increasingly interested in narratives -- the stories we tell in fiction, politics, and life -- and how they shape beliefs, behavior, and government policies.

e.g. @RobertJShiller
Narratives are obscure to social scientists because they consist of information, so the physical manifestations are spoken or written language.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 3rd 2021
📢 [NOVIDADE] A FGV DAPP promove, entre 14 e 26 de junho, a 1ª edição brasileira do Summer Institute in Computational Social Science #SICSSBrasil

O evento será virtual e GRATUITO
➡️Inscrições até 02/04:…

Segue o fio 🧶 Image
O #SICSSBrasil terá como sede a FGV DAPP, sob a direção de @MARuediger, e será coordenado por @_Tiagoventura (aluno do #SICSS2019), @amarograssi e @MuroDanilo (da @FGVDAPP). Os alunos terão ainda apoio dos professores assistentes Lucas Roberto, @Polysrb e @thiago_meireles
Criada em 2017, a edição principal do #SICSS é organizada pelos professores @chris_bail (@DukeU) e @msalganik (@Princeton). A edição brasileira organizada pela FGV DAPP será a única na América Latina em 2021, entre 20 edições no mundo todo, e ocorrerá no Brasil pela 1ª vez +
Read 9 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
Announcing the 2021 Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science. #SICSS is for grad students, post-docs & beginning faculty. Free for participants. @chris_bail and I are happy to tell you about all 20 locations. [thread]
SICSS brings together social scientists & data scientists interested in computational social science for 1-2 week events with intensive study & collaborative research.
Topics covered include automated text analysis, web scraping, non-probability sampling, digital experiments, ethics & much more.
Read 33 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
1/n Are you a *complete beginner* in computational social science who wants to learn how to code? I'm happy to announce our new "coding bootcamp" video tutorials for the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science:…
2/n I cover everything from setting up Rstudio to data cleaning (and "wrangling"), visualization, programming, modeling, communicating (w/Markdown, Rpres, and Shiny) as well as collaboration w/Github
3/n Though there are MANY great intro tutorials out there, this one is designed with computational social scientists in mind-- it offers examples w/ Twitter data, mobility data for COVID-19, and data about the opioid crisis.
Read 7 tweets

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