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Feb 12th 2020
It's time to share your #WednesdayWisdom! Tag a friend and let's go! #SBCCHAT #RelationshipAdvice #CanThisLoveBeSaved #SixBrownChicks
Q1 (Part1 of 3) My best friend was new to Houston (moved here to work w/me) and we were tight for 6 years. 2 years ago she had a girl and named me Godmother. She doesn't have a relationship with her kin. In November, my friend died (heart attack) and I decided to adopt. #SBCCHAT
Q1 (Part2of3) My husband was against this from day one. It took prayer, long talks, etc., especially since the child had no family to step up. My mother-in-law visited us and said, "You're a saint to take care of HIS love child." I have asthma and couldn't breathe. #SBCCHAT
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