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Feb 28th 2021
Solutionism is part of human psyche, I think. Seeing 1 problem, 1 solution - and go for it. Omitting all other factors and potentially worsening the situation, eg by replacing car fleet with EV!

But being a pack animal also is to wait until authorities present solutions.
And that's frankly what I don't get from the climate activist movement. Shouldn't we publicly stand for a 1.5˚-plan, like the one German FFF got from Wupper Institute? Or the one BoellStiftung did? Or GermanZero? Or mine, a 10yr non-profit System Hiatus on rations for all?
But we don't. What would happen if we did?

If we were publicly promoting one of those 1.5˚ plans, public debate wd become more and more aware of what's actually necessary - in contrast to what journalists, politicians, companies say and do.
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